Thursday, 18 December 2014


So today's the fourth day of the third week of the twelfth month which means


If you're those kind of students who always does their work the minute they reach home, you don't have to worry about not completing your work. Which means you aren't a procrastinator. Which also means you won't understand problems I, as massive procrastinator, face so you it'd be best if you go off somewhere else because I won't be offering any good advice you might be looking for.

Right, as I was saying, I haven't finished ANY of my homework. I haven't done ANY revision I planned to do. What happened??

Well, this happened.

*Rewinds back to October*
Oh good! Exams have just ended! Screw homework, it's time to partay!

I've still got a whole month of break the next month, homework can wait. Lemme do what I want first.

There's still, what, 20 days or more rest? Whatever, I'll eventually find time to do it anyway.

DAMNITDAMNITDAMNIT!!! I've got less than a couple of weeks to finish two and a half months worth of homework!!!

Often, I plan to be like this:

During the break, I planned to finish and revise my freaking homework so that I wouldn't have to struggle in sec 2.
But what did I end up doing? What did I do during the super long 2.5 months of break?

Yes, yea. Organise a timetable so that you know exactly what to do rather than waste precious seconds of your ticking time bomb life. But you know what? I've tried, and I'm extremely maddingly bad at sticking to schedules so timetables doesn't work.

But when I actually finally force myself to do the work, this happens five minutes later:


And then even if my brain is rioting a protest against that, my body just doesn't give a damn and this is what happens:

So yea! This is my story of my extremely severe case of procrastination! Unfortunately, I haven't found a cure yet and I'm really sorry if you were pissed that you didn't find useful and helpful treatment tips. HAHA.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Extreme Negative Fangirls

According to dictionaries that I've looked up (don't judge, I actually did my research before consulting this matter m'kay?), the word 'fangirl' means the following:

Urban Dictionary: A rabid breed of human female who is obesessed with either a fictional character or an actor. an obsessive female fan.

Free Merriam-Webster: a girl or woman who is an extremely or overly enthusiastic fan of someone or something.

I won't explain any further what fangirls are because c'mon, I'm nice enough to provide the definitions from dictionaries above and if you still don't understand, then your comprehensive skills are disgustingly horrible and you should probably go find some ABC toddler websites and start your basics. I hear babies are really great learners so no worries, you'll get through in a day or two.

Right, to begin with, I have a really bad impression of fangirls. I never did understand the things fangirls always do, like the notorious stalking and squealing, and I find it really annoying and immature. If you're a fangirl, be it the ones in mildest stages or the rabid hybrids, I suggest you resume googling pictures of your idol's brother's friend's father's aunt's goldfish. Go on, I'm not stopping you. I'd hate to.

As I was saying, it gets really irritating. The impression I get from fangirls are the girls who are incapable of doing anything except stalking, squealing, mooning, swooning, obsessing, and thinking about their idols 24/7. They're the ones who look up their idol's addresses, have dreams of them each night, wake up with them at first though and so on.

What prompted me to address this matter was when I found out that a certain YouTuber's brother was harassed by crazy fangirls when they somehow found out about him. Then starts the question bombing in which is directed all at the YouTuber himself, not his brother.

Imagine what is must have been like for that little brother. It gets annoying, and although they might be blood-related, they aren't exactly carbon copies of each other. They all different individuals themselves, and if you wish to ask a question or something similar, ask the person himself, not his siblings or whosoever that it might be related. What message does that seem to convey? That you're only interested in only the YouTuber himself, and you're using his brother to contact him.

Futhermore, these Fangirls also attacked this innocent sibling by insulting him, claiming that he will never be as good as his brother, putting him down etc etc which I think is unfair because, hey, who are you to judge and compare? As I've said, they're different individuals and you can't compare like that because each has their own strengths and weaknesses. It's unfair. In my opinion, the only fair way to compare a person is to compare with the person himself.

What pisses me off is that they criticize others over innocent, petty things that weren't part of their business in the first place. I strongly believe that criticism is considered okay if you think that something is unfavorable, not up to expections, not good enough etcetera etcetera, and that YOU HAVE FEASIBLE AND DOABLE FEEDBACK FOR IMPROVEMENT. Otherwise, it's pretty much considered as whining because obviously you're just waiting for people to solve your problems.

Phew, that was a pretty long rant that got a bit carried away, but I'm glad I got that off my chest. It's just that the world is too unfair sometimes, yknow.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

The Callieo Fashion Style

I'm almost laughing as I'm typing this, because tbh, fashion is so NOT me. I couldn't care less about fashion, but come on, I wouldn't wear any trash bag even if it's comfortable. I mean, I wanna look nice and presentable too.

Although I don't unnecessarily go to great extents for fashion, I still do mind about the way I dress. I don't have a particular distinct style, but as long as it's comfy, casual, and uniquely me, I'm up for it.

So if you're those kind of people who likes really comfy outfits and couldn't care a crap about choosing but would really like to look presentable enough, let the all-round amazing Aria give you some handy tips.

*Do note that the tips suggested are more suitable for summer wear because I live in a tropical country and it's practically all sunshines and coconut trees the whole year round.

1. The outfit you pick should be comfortable.

That's the most important rule in Callieo fashion. Don't go wearing trash bags of course, even if it's comfy, because that's so ew.

2. Be unique. Not too unique in that you attract attention, just different. Unless your aim is too do that, go ahead.

For the top, I usually like simple, printed tees. I don't really like to go for the graphic tees or the 'cool' ones with really rude words because that's so mainstream. Practically all my friends own those kinds so that's a no. Witty shirts are more similar to my style so I'm more likely to pick that.

Skater skirts are one of the easiest to match with and if you don't own any, you're missing out. Any skater skirt with a casual top, BAM, they're most likely to work. But if you don't like skirts, denim shorts would be great too. Personally, I prefer the skirt, but c'mon, shorts have their benefits too. At least they don't go flying around and revealing even MORE skin on a windy day. It's up to you.

3. Pick a good colour.

Idk much about colours and how they go with your skin tone so you can look that up a bit and find out more about it yourself. I think cool colours like blue look pretty good on me, so I have a disgustingly huge amount of them kept in the closet.

So that's about it! Hope it helps although I think it didn't. Much. Because that advice was purely from a 24/7 nerd slash geek that I am.



Wednesday, 12 November 2014

My Favourite YouTubers!

Everyone knows YouTube is amazing, even more so with YouTubers! They're hilarious, funny, and they somehow always manage to make my day brighter.

Without a particular order:

1. danisnotonfire

Dan is so damn sarcastic and articulate and relatable I can't help but love him.
Here are some gifs to convince you.

There, convinced now?

2. Motoki Maxted

All of Motoki's vids are high in quality and not the mention, extremely amusing too. I like his humor, and I think he's definitely one of the YouTubers who should deserve way more subscribers. Go check him out. 

3. ThatcherJoe

Joe is quite literately, one of the best people at doing impressions, or maybe even the best, I've seen so far. He's so versatile that he could practically be any character he comes across. It's amazing and admirable at the same time.

Heck, I bet he would make a better Christian Grey than whos-that-guy.

4. Caspar


caspar lee animated GIF

5. PewDiePie

6. AmazingPhil


7. jennxpenn

8. PointlessBlog

9. Marcus Butler

10. Tyler Oakley

(to be further edited)

Monday, 13 October 2014

Uni-ball Signo DX 0.38 Pen

I love this pen a lot, like seriously. I always like to use this because of it's fine tip and it writes easily. I hate it if the tip is 0.5mm or more because it's just too thick for my liking and I usually end up with an incomprehensible scrawl, because admittedly my handwriting isn't one of the best especially when the ink is thick.

BUT, the problem is, I always drop the pens. Yeah, yeah. I'm clumsy, and I always have the habit of twirling pens and then dropping them (hehe that's just me). It's fine for other pens BUT NOT THIS. Once you drop the pen, there's a 96.47% chance that your pen will DIE, IT'S THAT SERIOUS GUISE. It will just stop living it's life and no matter how you try resurrecting it, IT'S GONE FOREVER. I can't even count how many times I had to buy a new pen because of this, and it's not cheap 'kay. Imma jinx and everytime I drop a pen, it just had to be more than 80% full of ink. I drop it. Aaaand the 80% ink is wasted, along with my money. Rest in peace my baes.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Asocial Personality?

Before I begin, I have the urge to correct any clueless humans out there. The term 'anti-sociality' isn't the act of not socialising. Asociality is the correct word. If you have originally though that anti-sociality was the correct word to describe people who hates talking like me, you were misled.

So what's the deal? Not much really, just a little curious about my personality. Unlike many people, I get really drained if I go out with friends for a long time. Although they are my friends, I feel reluctant to interact with them and rather compelled to just shrivell back to my little shell of blissful isolation after hours with them. Where it's just me and my thoughts floating around.

Recently, I broke my own record of going out with friends 3 days in a row. The first day was pretty cool, although I experienced the urge to hide into my 'shell' during the last few hours. The second day was fun too, but the last day? All I felt was reluctance to get out of bed, get out of the house and into reality outside. I was groaning internally but I convinced myself to go anyway because, what kind of friend am I to reject her friend?

Fast forward, the day's over and I felt kind of... relieved. I can hear your incredulous 'what?!' now. Weird right? I felt relieved when I should have missed her or something. I was relieved because I could go back to my little shell again.

I'm highly introverted which is why I experience all these stuff. I guess I'm considered asocial too. I just suck at conversations and interaction because I'm mostly quiet when I'm around people, even with my buddies. It's like a chore for me to start a conversation and I just smile at whatever people say. Like you know, just so that they can differ me from the stone wall.

As a result of my asociality, I have a lesser number of friends compared to an average secondary school student. I would say I'm generally a nice person, although I can be a little blunt at times but I would say the fault lies mostly on my asociality. To be honest, I don't exactly have a good friend in my class. It gets lonely at times even when my friends offers me to tag along with them so that I can avoid looking like a complete loner. I feel like a third wheel and although I admit I sometimes like being a third-wheel, it doesn't mean I like to be one full-time.

On the other hand, I have some pretty close friends in my CCA which I'm happy of. I like talking and having fun at times, but there are also times which I want to be left alone. Asociality isn't necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes I think I'm a little too asocial and I feel lonely at times. Even to the extent when it can blast into a full-blown existential crisis where I start to question the point of living. This is no joke.

Asociality is okay if it's part of you because it's what makes you you. But do do it in moderation, because you might end up feeling lonely if you don't.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

The Never-Ending Cycle of a Human Night Owl

What happens if you oversleep during your afternoon naps and end up awake throughout the night? You'll turn into a night owl.

It might not necessarily be a bad thing if you can adapt to it, but it is if you can't especially when you have to wake up early in the morning during exams.

Welcome to my life.

It all started with staying up late at night, thus leading to sleeping late. Wake up at 6am after less than 7 hours of sleep with a grouchy, reluctant mood. Wash up, eat breakfast, get dressed, go to school. Comes back with thunderously bad mood stemmed from the lack of sleep. Eats lunch, shower, and goes to nap.

Next thing? The clock reads 5.30pm. Bummer.

I've overslept my nap.

And now I feel so hyper even though my mind and body should be shutting down.

The night passes once again with me staying up late.

I could use an alarm clock during my naps but really, ever hear of this?

Screw alarm clocks, this is what I end up doing instead:

Even my alarm clock's afraid of me... sue me for clock-abuse!


Friday, 15 August 2014

My Writing Drafts

In the recent years, I have attempted to write a novel, something which I have not succeeded in completing but I thought I'd be interesting to share the drafts. To be honest, I'm quite impressed when I read the drafts because I certainly DID NOT expect my writing standard to be quite good. One thing that I'm really bad at is plotting so maybe that's partly why I started so many unfinished drafts. Without further ado, the drafts! (Just a little fun fact here: I wrote the drafts when I was 12 that's why it's pretty disorganised)


Miya was always awake on the midnight of Christmas’ eve. She could not remember a time when she wasn’t asleep on that day. To her, that night was a special one for the clock tower only rang once a year, which was on the early morn’ of Christmas.

Since young, she had always loved the sound of the bells in the clock tower. Peering out of the window, she would squint her eyes, making out the slightest shape of the clock in a distance. Although she could not see the bells, let alone the outline, she always could figure out which bell rang, ranging from the largest to the smallest. At six years, she already had the tune ingrained firmly in her mind. She could hum the tune as naturally as breathing, never tiring of it.

The low and high sounds of the bells overlapped each other, forming what Miya thought was a beautiful contrast. They mingled together, light and dark, soaring into the air. It was always a lullaby to Miya’s ears.

People thought it was eccentric of her liking to bells. “Bells? You like the sound of the clock towers’ bells?” They would say incredulously when she told them despite that it only rang once a year. Miya would always smile, not a slightest bit offended. In fact, she liked the fact that she was labelled eccentric for it. 

On her tenth midnight of Christmas Eve, after the last bell had sang, she left the still-ajar window open and climbed to bed. She pulled her covers over her body and stared out of the window. Snow, delicate and tiny, drifted by.

Miya’s sharp ears suddenly caught a faint tune. It was so soft and very faint that it could just be a figment of her imagination. She blinked. No doubt it was there. Furrowing her eyebrows and holding her breath so that all was silence, she concentrated on it. It seemed to come from outside.
Throwing her covers aside, she crept towards the window, the cold air starting to fill her lungs. She shivered slightly in cold. Pressing her ear against the open slit of the window, the tips of her ear freezing, she focused intently on the distant tune. She could hear the hollowness in it. Perhaps a flute? Miya scanned the area around her, doubting that she could find the source from her flat that was dwarfed by several skyscrapers. She sighed. That was the only reason why she didn’t like living in the city.
Miya still could not detect the music source after a long time of thorough searching although it was really only a minute.

On the midnight of every Christmas’ evetechnically on the morning of Christmas—the bells of the ancient clock tower rang when the hour and the minute hand reunite, its chimes echoing through the city of Lysta. This was not unusual. It had been that way for as long as anyone could remember.
After the last bell had rung, a beautiful haunting tune of a flute could be heard, faint and fragile as if it could be broken with a whisper of breath, floating from the clock tower. On this night, most people would be awake, not wanting to miss this lovely melody.

It was a mystery of who the player of the melody was. Word was that the melody was played by a ghost. Some laughed it off, claiming that a ghost couldn’t play but no one could be really sure. Some claimed to have seen the player, a dark silhouette against the moonlight, but it was gone in a blink of an eye. Some said to have sighted nothing, only the dark night, when the melody was played. The undeniable thing was, the melody came from the clock tower.  

The clock was eventually named Hozaii Cozae, Haunted Clock, for every attempt in finding the player was nothing but a failure. All they could find at the top of the tower was clock’s mechanics, the click-clacking of the chains working while the melody echoed eerily around the tower, a little more defined and louder than usual. They could not find anything else and fled from the tower, never wanting to step in the tower ever again. It was a terrifying experience, they claimed.

Till this day, it still remains a mystery, never solvable.


Miya always got creeps whenever she heard this story. She had an uncanny feeling that it was all true but she refused to believe it. However, she could not deny what she felt to the melody.

The melody, to Miya, was more than just beautiful. To her, the tune seemed to breathe life although it may seem like death to others with its creepy tune. If she closed her eyes, she could have sworn she could feel it, like it was writhing, moving, alive, inside her. As if it seemed to hold life in the tune, all hopes and promises, happiness and dreams. But it also held an undeniable melancholy in which Miya thought was what made this melody more divine. They mingled together, hopefulness and sorrow like light and darkness, consuming her thoughts. Unconsciously, she would sway, as if hypnotised.

Her eyelids flutter open when the soft tune finished and she was left in a daze. No doubt this melody was celestial. Then, she would come down to earth, the reality. It was all too painful. A melody was just a melody, only to please ears. How could she ever feel with such a thing? It was all nothing.
Music to her was all just an entertainment for mankind.


Miya DeLezze was a born musician. She learned both the piano and the violin fast and could compose a considerably fine song. At the age of eight, she was already performing in an orchestra, her as a soloist. Sometimes, a composition of hers would be performed by the orchestra. These works were tremendously complimented by many.

She was a famous girl, well-known throughout the city, possibly out of it too. Travellers from miles away would come to hear her perform.  They sang her praises of wonder, gave her enviable gifts.  
But to her, music was all a chore. Composing a piece was tiring and learning a piece was just a mundane task. She did it to please people. It was wonderful to receive compliments.

When she was twelve, her parents died in a fire that had broken out at an opera house. A tragic, they all said for her parents were both excellent musicians, perhaps one of the best in the world. The people of Lysta gathered on a cold wet rainy day, mourning for the loss. When the couple’s coffins were sent away, they were all silent.

Miya was no exception. She had expected to weep her throat sore but she did not even spill a single drop. All she felt was this numbing sense of loss, dull and heavy in her heart. She badly wanted cryanything to rid that unbearable numbness that laid in her. Calling it numbness wasn’t right too— she did feel pain but it was a numbing one.
A few days later her grandmother, a widow, came and brought her back to her hometown, Milzei.


The first thing Miya did when the carriages entered Milzei was to admire the picturesque surroundings. The trees were stripped bare of their leaves from the chilly winter and they glistering snow adorned their bare branches. Fresh pristine snow covered the ground, animal foot prints deep in them. She sniffed and found the air scented of bitter-cold winter.

Miya’s mind was blank as her near-lifeless hands sawed robotically at the violin. The tune the violin emitted was dull and flat. Even scales sounded much more melodious than the sonata she was playing. Well, there wasn’t much to hear from a person who lacked any emotions.

Miya gripped the bow tighter, knuckles turning white. The tune became somewhat like the squeal of a slaughtered pig from the pressure of the bow as she willed her mind to shut up. She didn’t want to think about her parents’ death. At all.


The voice, clear and musical like a pixie’s laugher, seemed to come right behind her. Surprise and fear jolt through Miya and instinctively, she brought bow and whacked her whoever was behind her. Then, she pushed herself off the tree trunk she had been leaning against when playing her violin and whirled around, her heart beating erratically. Embarrassment flooded her, turning her face into the colour of tomato when she found her trembling bow pointed unsteadily at a boy. Casually as she could, as if she hadn’t tried to smack they boy with her bow, she it drew back. A hint of amusement glinted in his blue eyes, so light they looked like ice. He looked about her age, perhaps a year or two older, with a wavy dark chocolate brown hair that fringe his face and nearly hid his eyes. In contrast to his dark hair, his skin was pale, nearly the colour of the first few flakes of snow.

“I’m pleased,” The boy said.

Miya blinked.


“That you have stopped murdering the song. I’ve been sitting there,” he gestured to spot below a tree that was stripped bare in the winter, its branches like reedy skeletons, “for quite a while.” When Miya looked closer at the spot, she noticed that it was, indeed, disturbed. The weeds looked flattened and the snow around it had melted. The boy continued, “Unfortunately, all you did was to make my poor ears bleed.”

“Really?” Miya’s eyes widened in mock-horror. She placed her bow on her left hand, along with her violin, so that her right hand was free and covered the few steps that separated them. Then, she reached up and yanked the boy’s ear down as hard as she could and peer inside, pretending to examine it. She felt a smirk threatening to materialise on her lips when the boy grunted.

“Don’t worry. It’s not bleeding. There’s no blood,” she informed him, snickering as she released her fingers. The boy rubbed his ears, which had gone slightly raw and red, and he looked up. Instead of the dirty look she had expected, he gave her a broad grin. “Thank you, docta.” He said, still grinning as he swept a playful bow.

“My pleasure,” she replied, playing along. As if she had suddenly remembered, she asked, “And by the way, what is your name?”

The boy stared at her curiously. “Do you not know? Ah!” he suddenly exclaimed. “I know you! Your grandma is Malory Baker, aye?” He looked at her, as if prompting her to agree with him. He couldn’t have been more right.

“Are you a psychic?” Miya asked in disbelief. The boy scoffed. “Naw. Word around here always spreads fast. Besides, Malory is a good friend of my family and when she left a few days ago, she told us it was for you, her granddaughter.” He explained.

Miya’s face darkened, not because of the memory of her grandmother picking her up, but because it reminded her of her parents. As if he noticed the change in her demeanour he changed the subject. “Dear me, I forgot. My name is Jesse. Miya?” He guessed, extending his hand warmly.

She woke up, her heart pounding and sweat beading her forehead. At first, she couldn’t make out where she was. Then, she heard the chugging of the train’s wheels and the comforting bump bump bump of it over the tracks.
She suddenly became aware of gazes on her.
She also realized that her grandmother’s hands were on her wrists.
“Miya? Are you okay?” Her grandmother asked, concerned as she released her wrists. She let out a shaky breath and said, “I’m fine, grandma. Nightmare.”
She must have thrashed around in her sleep but she didn’t care. At least I didn’t crash anything… she thought, not too guiltily. Her nightmares about that fire came every day and she would get used to it.

People say I’m weird, but that doesn’t bother me. Why should I care what they think?
I’ve painted a window-sized window on my wall along with velvety curtains and the view of rolling seas. I’ve painted the raging waves, the bright sharp lines of lightning bolts stark against dark stormy skies. A lone ship with the tiny dots of people, hands raised in horror frantic as the towering waves rose above them, threatening to crash upon them.   
But I painted a glowing, effulgent angel with astral wings above them in the sky. I like to think that he came down to save them from their horrible fate, but he could turn away anything. It was just an undetermined moment, paused in time.
They don’t understand why I painted it. They think I do it for pleasure but I don’t. Painting’s not even my hobby and I don’t learn it. I painted that one and only picture because it reminded the people I’ve lost, especially papa because the last few word he said were, “I’ll be there with you, Miya, even in times of trouble.”
Except that when I said, “Always?” he didn’t reply.
He had already stopped breathing by then.
All I saw was fire. Hot merciless fire that burned and burned. It climbed the walls, licked and ate the curtains until it was just poor miserable tatters, no better than rags. Smoke filled my lungs, too dry and hot and I coughed violently. Ashes stung my eyes and they starting tearing, blurring my vision.
 I wipe them away, determined to get out of the building no matter what. I got up unsteadily into a crawling position, my burnt and scraped raw wounds screaming in protest. I clutched my papa’s hand possessively. He was the only living family member that wasn’t lost in the crowd in the stampede to get out, nor was he stuck in the in a room with no possibility of getting out like Coco. I could see the small crack of light from beneath a door that wasn’t much further away. If only I could get papa out there too…
With determination, I tried heaving him onto my shoulder. After all, he was feather with his reed-thin bones, compared to other men. Unfortunately for me, I’ve inherited his scrawny frame and could only sling one of his arms over my shoulder.
I whisper a silent prayer that he wouldn’t be hurt much when I dragged him across to the door. There were debris and shattered glasses littered on the floor. It’ll be unbearably painful if it dug in to his wounded skin.
Papa groaned as I shuffled painfully towards the sliver of light, trying not to collapse under his weight and pain. I gritted my teeth, nostrils flared as I watch the flaming beam perch precariously right on top of the door. Careful, careful, my brain warned. Taking a shuddering breath, I took the last few agonizing crawl steps before laying papa down on the floor. I stood up and using the edge of my jumper, I quickly twisted the knob before the metal could sting me and kicked the door as hard as I could. It did not swing open.
A lock kept the door shut and there wasn’t a key in sight. Dismay and frustration flood me and I was drowned in them for a moment. Why did it have to be locked? Why?
I turned my head. “The door is locked, papa! We can’t get out!” I say frantically.
He took in a breath but sputtered and coughed violently instead. “Papa!”
“Get out while you can,” he managed to rasp.
“No, we can get out alive. I won’t leave you here to die,” I say adamantly.
“Listen, I’m dying. Even if I did manage to escape this fire, I’ll die soon too. I know it.”
Anger and desperation bubbled in me. “Papa! Don’t say that! Who’ll look after me then? I’m only eleven!”
“You’re a strong and clever girl—you’ll find a way somehow.” He smiled, lost in his world for a second. Then his focus returned. “Go, Miya.”  
Helplessness overwhelmed me. No, papa can’t die. He can’t, he simply can’t. My mother, sister had sacrificed their lives to save others. If he died, I was alone. I don’t have any aunts or uncles. Grandma Eleanor was the only one alive and she lived quite a distance from Colyetta.
As if he was reading my mind, papa says, “It’s okay. I’ll be there with you, Miya, even in times of trouble. Even when I die. Don’t you feel me at your side?”
I was silent for a while, still as a stone as I fought an internal war of decisions in the burning ruins of the once-grand opera house. When I finally asked, “Will you? Always?” his eyes were already shut, a ghost of a smile on his face. He laid on the hard ground, unmoving. The steady rise of his stomach had stopped.
Papa was gone.


A girl moved in with Mrs. Becker a few days ago.
She came walking up Mrs. Becker’s porch, her long black hair tangled by the wind and her eyes glossy and unseeing. Mrs. Becker had her head bent, whispering something to the girl but she seemed to be lost in her own faraway land. In one hand, the girl carried an instrument casing, most likely a violin, and brown patched suitcase in the other. Oh well, most likely be staying with Mrs. Becker for quite a bit then.
I pushed the window wide open and yelled, “Hey, Mrs. Becker! Who’s that with ya?” 

The Girl's Daydreams

Rainy days were the most welcomed weather for the girl. While many groan at the missed opportunity to gather with friends, the girl smiled behind frosted windows, looking at each crystal droplets of water that clung like delicate diamonds on the glass. She loved the chill of rain, the sweet scent of wet grass and soil. And if the weather was to her favour, she would watch the skies lit up with blinding streaks of lighting, or hear the thunders roll.

At times like this, she would drift off to her world of daydreams, hidden in the dark corners of a room. She would imagine on board a ship to a voyage, accompanied by a handsomely rugged sailor, a lovely singing mermaid and perhaps a white cat with fur as smooth as velvet. She dreamt of high, choppy and dangerous waves, where the sea was at war with them. How the ship nearly overturned and the mermaid brought a school of fishes to save them.
Sometimes, she and the sailor would spend intimate moments together, lying on the ship's deck whispering beneath stars. Maybe they wouldn't even utter a word, just held hands and gaze at the multitude of glimmering jewels that were strewn across the night sky and fall asleep with their cheeks side to side.

On fine weathered days, the white cat could be often seen strutting around the deck, showing off its glimmering silk fur in the sun. The girl could not resist running her hands between the ears of the cat and was often rewarded by a rumbling purr from the belly of the cat.
But on stormy days when the winds were rough, the girl and the cat would hide in one of the ship's cabins, huddled together while the waves crashed against the hulls. The winds would sing their melancholy songs, eerily resembling a somewhat forgotten tale of dead unfortunate sailors whose lives were taken by the hungry sea.

It wasn't an entirely unpleasant experience, for the girl had an imagination that could turn any unfavourable situation favourable, something she prided herself on. So she imagined the howls of the winds to be the melancholy tune of a bamboo flute and the rocking ship to be a rocking horse she played with when she was younger.

She would continue her daydream until the skies had cleared of their grey clouds and the sea had calmed. By then, the girl and the cat would have been shivering and wet from the seawater that had seeped in but they didn't mind, not in the slightest bit. The girl had made up a story during their wait in the cabin and being the great storyteller she was, both of them were dazed as they passed the door to the ship's deck, still lost in their made-up world.
When night fell upon them, dark and bitter cold, the girl and the sailor would be swaddled in thick fur coats, seated on a hearthrug in front of tiny a fireplace while watching the amber flames dance.

They would drink hot tea, made from dried jasmine petals, until they were warm and beading with sweat. And when the fire died down to a weak flame, they would have been asleep by then, their snores soft compared to the crashing of waves. The cat, however, would be out on the deck, it's eyes glinting in the pale moonlight.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

My views on bffs

In case ya didn't know, bff is the acronym of best friends forever. Do I believe in that? No. I don't. This bff thing might exist for others but truly speaking, bffs are really rare. I take it quite literally. Adding a 'forever' behind isn't for fun. It changes the whole meaning for a best friend.

For my entire life, I only had a best friend. Take note of the 'had', because this bff thing between us has gone. I still miss her, but I don't think she misses me. She has changed over the years to the 'popular girl' and popular girls don't hang around quiet, random and dreamy girls like me.

I used to believe in having bffs but now I don't. People usually have a hars time trying to converse with me because I usually just nod or make small comments which isn't enough to start a conversation. Consequently, people often avoid talking to me and thus, decreasing the circle of potential friends.

Anyway back to the topic, I take someone I call a bff seriously. Bff isn't someone whom you spend a day talking to and then poof, this bff thing exists. For me, I'd usually proclaim a person my bff when he/she has known me WELL ENOUGH for at least a year. And he/she also must accept me as her best friend or this bff thing wouldn't really exist for me.

So whenever a good friend of mine calls me her bff, she's usually not my bff if you see me kinda wincing at her choice of words. Good friend is fine with me, but truly calling me a best friend is another thing. I rarely call anyone my best friend unless he/she is truly my best friend. It might sound cheesy, but a best friend is like a soulmate that's bound to me by blood. In the recent years, I doubt I called anyone my best friend. Although I don't have a best friend, doesn't mean I don't want one. I'm still waiting for someone that will get along and accept me for who I am. My ideal best friend doesn't have to be flawless because nobody is, just someone willing to stick by my side and be there with me. Not be there FOR me, but WITH me.

I don't know what you'll consider someone as a bff, but I urge you to consider a bff seriously, especially if you decide to add the second 'f' behind. A bff isn't one that just talks to you all day and make you laugh, he/she is something much more. They are with you no matter what, you won't be alone.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Her Best Friend

The girl was quiet, and the times she actually spoke were rare. As such, she only had a very small circle of friends, maybe a dozen at most. Whenever she made a friend, one she would consider when one conversed more than a couple of minutes with her, she was delighted and would pronounce her as her 'best friend'. Of course, she was just a young child at that time and a child's definition of a 'best friend' wasn't truly a best friend.

She was eight when she made a 'best friend'. However, this was unlike any best friends she had ever made. She laughed, smiled, joked with her and this continued for the next two years. During those years, they shared secrets, exchanged books, jumped in delight when they found out that they were posted to the same class, and gave each other nicknames. But that wasn't all. Although the girl still had her best friend throughout the years, her best friend flourished and made more friends. The girl knew that nobody could resist the charm that her friend exuded and everybody was more than happy to be friends with her. There were at times when her best friend was out smiling with others and those were the times where she sat outside, out of the social circle, and in her lonely corner, filled with hurt and betrayal.

Once, she found a paper on the floor. It wasn't a mere paper with doodles on it. It was a paper where her best friend and a classmate conversed. Just as she was about to return the paper to her friend, she glimpsed her name. Curious, she read the note which she shouldn't have because little did she know, it would have stabbed her with bitter hurt which was exactly what it did.

"Pshhh, don't tell her she's not my only best friend. There are others too," read her friend's loopy handwriting. She blinked. She wasn't truly best friends with her friend anymore. Her best friend had other 'best friends' and this time, she was just another one to add to her 'best friends' collection. Her lips trembled and a lump rose in her throat. The girl wasn't even sure what a best friend was to her anymore.

They were eleven when they went to different classes. Before then, the girl's best friend squeezed her tight and said that she would miss her. The girl smiled convincingly, but on the inside, thorns of bitterness clung to her heart. Bitter of the knowledge that her only true friend would make even more friends, bitter with jealousy even though she knew she should be happy for her friend. But how could she not be? How could she? Her best friend belonged to her; she didn't want to share it with anybody. She wanted the times they used to have when they were eight, when everything was so simple, when her best friend was hers and she, her best friend's. She knew she was being selfish, but she didn't want to let her best friend go. She wanted the drawing they did when they were eight to be true--two stick girls drawn hand in hand, smiling with rainbows arching over their heads, completed with the words "Best Friends Forever!"

But it was just as the girl thought. Being in different classes, they didn't much of each other anymore. Her friend adjusted to her new class as easy as a fish in water but it wasn't the same for the girl. The girl was quiet as before and she didn't seem to have the gift to keep a conversation going, unlike her friend. It was no surprise that she didn't adapt as well as her. 

Months flew, and they no longer spoke to each other anymore. Even when they did, her friend didn't have the same interest in her eyes anymore. The girl's friend look so bright and happy, more alive with her new friends than when she had been with her. The girl stood in the shadows, not wanting to disturb her friend's bliss. Well, the girl thought. If she's much happier with her new friends, I'll leave and let her be. Why burden my friendship with her when she can enjoy her time with people who could make her happier? And so it was.

From then, they parted ways. Her friend changed from the influence of others and fitted perfectly into the crowd. Her friend loved boy bands, loved wearing trendy clothes, loved the social media, all the things the girl didn't. Her friend had changed and she hadn't. Her friend grew from the book-loving friend into the look-conscious girl, and the girl missed her former friend.

Change took away her friend, someone she lost. But the girl knew with certainty that she wouldn't allow change to ruin her too. She would continue to walk, each step of choices into the future. She might not have the same best friend again, but as long as she continued forward, she knew she would meet new people, make new friends, and maybe long into the future, get married. She would bury the past, but mark it with a gravestone, reminding her that the past was not something to be fully forgotten.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Mean comments?

Recently, I came to learn about my school's unofficial 'confession page' on Twitter from one of my classmates. She took 5 screenshots of the posts and shared it with the class chat and they aren't exactly nice posts either. Mean ones, I'd say. And 3 of the posts were written in such a way that implemented that they looked down on the sec 1s. Btw, I'm a sec 1 so ofc I feel offended.

One of them said, "F*** the sec ones" with that -_- emoticon. Another said something about not liking my batch of sec 1s and glad that he was graduating soon. Next one was a comment about a sec 1 girl with stuffed boobs and how obvious it was. There were some other mean ones too, but I wasn't as insulted as of posts about the sec 1s.

Although there is nothing wrong with setting up a confession page, not like anyone could stop you from doing that either, I feel that the posts written should feel mutual. As long as it doesn't cross the line of instigating negative feelings, I think it's perfectly fine. But writing mean comments? No. Just no. Saying horrible things about others, doesn't mean you are definitely better than them. In fact, you are just a slobbering pig that wants attention or thinks you're cool. You're not. Everyone hates that kind of person. (Unless you're those kind of bimbos who follows the bitchy 'queen bee' or the queen bee herself, chances are that you're 75% a perfectly likable person)

I'm not exactly a Twitter person, but from what I gather on the page, you'll have to send confessions to the admin where he/she will post it on the page? Heck, I don't even know the admin's gender. Everything is anoymous. Anyway, the admin probably allowed anything to get posted, not even bothering to filter out the mean ones. What. The. Heck? So it's perfectly fine not to control these comments? WHAT?

Look, doesn't mean you're older, you're more superior. More experience doesn't make you more superior than people who are younger than you. Hey, sometimes younger people actually have more brains than older ones. The older ones who thinks they are 'superior' are probably more foolish than the humble younger ones.

I understand we all have mean thoughts at some points of our lives. You know, like, that girl is so bossy, that guy's such an ass, stuff like that. Come on, you've gotta admit you did think of those thoughts before. It isn't wrong because, are thoughts wrong? They aren't. Are feelings wrong? They aren't either.

But it's the action that determines if a person's in the wrong or not. Writing something hateful is definitely something wrong. You make somebody unhappy, you turn a possible smile into a frown. Have you ever thought, we are all humans? We all have feelings? No matter how light or harsh you meant your comment to be, we all feel it. You may think others may not care and close one eye to it, but c'mon, there's this little part of us that gets sore all the same. Afterall, we are humans, not robots.

But if you really have to urge to vent those mean comments somewhere, the social media is not the place. First off, the internet doesn't just limit only to your use. The internet is everywhere, in this whole world. A Siberian could access to your comment if he had internet. And knowing the internet, a tiny mean comment can blow up to the angry  internet users chasing after you. It's not something you'd like to experience.

So if you really have to, talk to your friends although I really won't recommend that. But at least, this 'mean comment' is shared by your friends. Gossip isn't the best thing to do, so just try to avoid it. Write it in a blog if you must, but set it to private so that only you or a group of friends can see it. Not the entire world.

Basically to round it off, mean comments are intolerable. They cause unhappiness and who likes them? Be sensitive to others, not a dumb bitchy sh*t. Because, Karma, you know? Maybe the next day after you blurt a mean comment about somebody's haircut, yours get fed into the printer and tada, a great haircut *sarcasm*. So if you really can't keep yourself from sharing that mean comment, tell your friends, or create a little blog that only you and your friends can see. Best option: simply shut up and keep horrid comments to yourself. The world is a happier place without meanies or haters.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Filming Videos with mah Friends

Two days ago, which was a Monday, three of my friends came over to my house to film a video for their project. I say their project because I'm not involved, although I do have my own group for the project. They aren't the same class as me, so I wasn't part of the group. All the same, I was pretty good friends with them, even more than my classmates, I daresay.

So anyway, I was to go to down and pick them up from the void deck where they were suppose to wait and bring them up. I went to lunch with one of them and at 1 pm, we ran back to the void deck. When everyone had arrived, we went up to my apartment.

To sum up the first three hours, all we did was to laze around, curl up with our phones, play around with my instruments, make paper crown and mustaches, take sneaky photos of each other and a little planning (they did that, I'm just the camera person). Finally at four, we got right down to business. Which was filming the video, woo hoo!

They had decided to role-play the story they had chosen and in that story, there was a king and two of his friends. By the way, it was a project that involved us blogging about a Chinese book (that we got to choose) and it was necessary for us to make a video. It took us several tries to get the video right because we totally screwed it up by laughing. Can't really blame us though, my friends were just too hilarious with their crowns and umbrellas (used as a walking stick). And then there was the talking in a deplorable China accented Chinese. Too. Freaking. Hilarious.

After filming which took us a whole 40 minutes to get it right, we went down to buy drinks. Not that there aren't any in my house, bubble tea seemed pretty welcoming at that time. But as luck would have it, the stall was closed so we went to the supermarket and got some health drink instead. Oh well.

It isn't something much I did with my friends, but I loved it all the same. It's a reminder that I can actually, y'know, make friends, as cheesy as it might sound. Oh well.


Thursday, 19 June 2014

Going to Church?!

So hey guys, I've got this little problem here. I go to church every Sunday but in this past couple years, I'm beginning to feel that it is a waste of time. To be honest here, I go because my family goes, not because I'm joyfully going to the Lord's house to worship Him. I go there every Sunday for Sunday School where we learn about Christ, and then the Worship service since I was six. Which is more than half my life now. And if I were not to go, I'd have this really bad feeling, like disloyalty or something. Then a doomed feeling, because I'm not saved and I'll go to hell when I die and death, is unpredictable. All I know that each second I'm alive, death looms nearer. And nearer. And I think, what do I live for, only to die?


As Dan calls it, maybe an Existential crisis. But no, what I think is more than that. 

See, from what I understand, I go to Church to worship God. The extremely, supremely, big and major problem is that I don't believe Christ died for us. The root, the foundation, the basic to Christianity and I have failed to grasped it--The belief of Christ.

I feel really bad for confessing that because for half my life, I have been thought to believe that and until now, I still don't believe. It isn't that I don't want to believe, I really do, I do want to want to believe in Him but I just can't. I don't have the want for Him.

True Christians who have steadfast faith in the Lord will try to help me and try contradicting my points to convince me. For example, they may say that the Lord created the world. After all, if it wasn't for him, how would the universe exist?

And then I will think, then who created the Lord? And they will say, no one, because He has no beginning nor an ending, because He was just there. If that is the case, then why is it not logical to believe that the universe was just there from the beginning? Am I not right? It is logical to believe that God created the world and God has no creator, so why is it not logical to believe that the world created us? Maybe that the world was just there, without a beginning? I don't know, I really don't know.

Then comes in the Bible. All these evidences are stated in the bible. It's all in Genesis. From the Chapter 1, it already starts talking about the beginning of existence. From the first day to the sixth day. The sabbath was for God to rest. By now, I'd say I'm familiar with all these knowledge, but it's all like remembering notes and facts to me. It's cool, yeah, but I don't feel the importance of it. And we all know how important something is if it determines our past, present, future of lives. 

But all these, I question. How do you know if the Bible is true? Maybe some events and records were written down and maybe they are indeed true, but how would you know that the reasoning behind it isn't the twisted version? Say a person believed a certain bad or good thing happen was because of Lord, how would you know if they weren't blinded by hope or desperation. I don't know, I really don't know. This is all a blur to me. How can I believe when I don't know?

Alright so this isn't where all my questions stop, but I hope someday, I will believe and trust in the Lord. 

Sunday, 1 June 2014

First Post!

Heyyy... So this is my first post in this blog. But I've got like more than half a dozen blogs under different accounts so no biggie, really. Nothing new, totally old thing to me.

Then what's so special about this blog? Oh well. My hopes? To blog about my life as close to reality as possible. My other blogs are a crap load of pure nonsense, stupendous nothings at the very much. Perhaps one or two are actually constantly run but oh well. Another blog, entirely different story.

As I've said, I have uncountable numbers of account, each with their whimsically adorable made-up name. This is no different. I am not Aria Callieo although my true name do indeed begin with an A. Maybe an R too. Ah well.

Let's begin with the introductions. How are you? Never have been finer, thank you. I am a young lady who resides in Asia, specifically in the South-East. And being Asian, yes, I have Asian traits with the dark hair and dark eyes. Fond of books, often found buried in one under the dim candlelight of stars. And if I'm not, close your eyes and you'll hear a melody. I will be in darkness, playing a sweet mournful song. Piano, erhu, violin... I play them all. Can't say I am barely more than an amateur at the violin this time, though. Still fresh and new. Barely coaxed a few croaking notes out of the strings.

Academic wise... I suck at languages, more of an expert at math and science although in my mid-year exams, I haven't been doing well for math :'( Quite the opposite, I've been faring quite well for literature. Yayyyyyyz.

Time here is 11.40 pm, the bed is already calling to me. Can't say no, though. G'nite.


P.S. I usually do not sound that cheesy. I know it's an epic fail attempt at... Whatever was that horrifying thing I just wrote?! I DO NOT sound like that in reality, I promise. Must have accidentally ate poison or something.