About Aria

Hey yo, wassup guys *does the awkward three finger sign*

Hesh, wadaya wanna know about me? The typical stuff, I suppose.

  1.  I'm Aria Callieo. Pshaaaaw, I'm lying. That's not my real name.
  2. An Asian. I have black hair, dark eyes, quite smart at math and science but pure shit at languages. So don't expect much from me when it comes to words.
  3. I'm not a kid (well... not a child), not an adult, not an old folk. Let's play the guessing game, baby! (Dang... It's obvious, you should know)
  4. An INTP. Don't know what it is? There's the internet, dude.
  5. 153cm in height. 5 feet tall. Whatever.
  6. Slightly eccentric. If you know me well enough.
  7. Plays 3 musical instruments. Piano. Erhu. Violin.
  8. Sleeping, eating, slacking, reading and instruments. Welcome to my life.

That's all. 8 is fanciful number.

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